Featuring characters from the Nick, Jr. animated Peppa Pig show, each set contains 18 Coloring Pages and 5 Mess Free Color Wonder Markers! Color Wonder Marker colors appear only on special Color Wonder paper—not on skin, clothing, or carpets! The folder style packaging works as reusable storage for your coloring pages and markers. Works with all Color Wonder paints, markers, and stamps. Gift for girls, age 3 & up! Sold as a pack of 2 complete sets.
Arts & Crafts : Art Activity Books
Crayola Llc - BIN7570002
Quantity Available in warehouse in Semmes, Alabama for Web Orders: 1
(This item is most likely NOT AVAILABLE in our store in St. Louis. To double check or have us find something similar, please call 314-843-2227 with the sku 'BIN7570002' and let us know how we can help)
Package Dimensions: Length 9" Width 11.94" Height 1.5"
Grade: Grade PK+
Age: 3+ years
Advantus - CHL77565