Growing Up With A Bucket Full of Happiness: Three Rules For a Happier Life

Through the simple concept of an invisible mental and emotional bucket, Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness gives a very real and profound understanding of why people act as they do. This book teaches the"bucketfilling" language by examining a number of difficult subjects with colorfully-illustrated chapters, thought-provoking questions, and relevant real-life situations. Readers of all ages will learn and experience, through daily practice, the value of kindness, understanding, resiliency, and courage in a world that isn't always kind.

Social Studies : Self Awareness

Ipg Book - BUC9780996099998

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Quantity Available in warehouse in Semmes, Alabama for Web Orders: 18

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Package Dimensions: Length 9"    Width 6"    Height 0.2"  

Grade: Grade 3+

Age: 9+ years

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