Celebrate the long-running anime series Naruto Shippuden by training to become an invincible shinobi in this version of Monopoly! Buy, sell, and trade properties named after top ninjas like Sasuke and Sakura. Pick up Training and Mission cards to develop skills while you use one of six collectible tokens to dominate the board, such as Akasukis Cloud, Kakashi Anbu Mask, or Shuriken. Stack Ramen Bowls and Onigiri to dominate the board and show the Hokage how you always come out on top!
Usaopoly Inc - USAMN086711
Quantity Available in warehouse in Semmes, Alabama for Web Orders: 1
(This item is most likely NOT AVAILABLE in our store in St. Louis. To double check or have us find something similar, please call 314-843-2227 with the sku 'USAMN086711' and let us know how we can help)
Package Dimensions: Length 15.75" Width 10.5" Height 2.5"
Grade: Grade 3+
Age: 8+ years
Advantus - CHL77565