In this beloved tale, the three goats must outwit the evil troll lurking under the bridge! Children will eagerly continue reading to see if the goats make it across so they can eat their dinner. This title, retold in English and Spanish, is an excellent skill-builder for reading and foreign language comprehension. Between the pages of the Brighter Child Keepsake Stories books are the classic tales of magic, imagination, and inspiration that will delight children again and again. From the hard-working Red Hen to the foolish Gingerbread Man, these stories will capture children's interest and spark their imagination page after page, inspiring a lifelong love of literature and reading. Each book includes 32 pages of fresh, captivating illustrations, and measures 8" x 8".
Carson Dellosa Education - CD0769658644
Quantity Available in warehouse in Semmes, Alabama for Web Orders: 356
(This item is most likely NOT AVAILABLE in our store in St. Louis. To double check or have us find something similar, please call 314-843-2227 with the sku 'CD0769658644' and let us know how we can help)
Package Dimensions: Length 8" Width 7.9" Height 0.16"
Grade: Grade PK-2
Age: 4+ years
Advantus - CHL77565